Sunday, September 30, 2018

Ayurvedic course in india | Uvas | introduction

AYURVEDA means”The Science of Life” and is the oldest and most
comprehensive system of medicine invented for mankind. It is believed to have originated in 2500 B.C. Actually Ayurveda is rather a way of living to keep one in harmony with nature. It contains profound knowledge of maintaining good health, curing of disease and achieving a harmonious balance of body, mind and spirit. Central to this healing science is the doctrine of Tri- dosha (the vital energies of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the connection with the Pancha Maha Bhootha (the five elements — ether, air, and fire water and earth.)
Ayurvedic course in india teaches a way of life that enables us to be centered and focus on the healing that comes from within.
Nutrition is important as,from proper wholesome and balanced diet all
the body constituents- dosha, dhatu and mala are formed. That is why it is said that ‘we are what we eat’. Food is not only essential for our physical well being but it gives nutrition to our mind also.
What we eat influences not only on our physical activities but on the
psychological aspect also. The digestive fire requires food to keep it constantly active. Improper food can extinguish this fire and produce toxic substance called as ama. Hence food and digestive fire are interdependent on each other.

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