Monday, October 1, 2018


‘Pancha mahabhutas’ is a Sanskrit term.
‘pancha’stands for five ‘mahabhutas’ stands for the structural elements of the universe.
The five mahabhutas are as follows
  • Aakash (this can be compared to the space element)
  • Vayu (air element)
  • Agni (fire element)
  • Jala (water element)
  • Prithvi (earth element)
These five elements from the structural entity of the body. Both the living as well as non-living world consists of these five Mahabhutas. The animate or the living beings including both plants and animals, consist of eleven indriyas in addition to the five elements. The indriyas are the five sense organs five motor organs and mind.
The English equivalents given for the five mahabhutas do not give the full and correct implications of these original Sanskrit terms. For example, ordinary water does not contain jala mahabhuta alone. It is composed of all the five mahabhutas. it is the force of cohesion or the power of attraction that is inherent in water, which is the characteristic feature of jala mahabhuta.
According to Ayurveda, the pancha mahabhutas have their orgin from Brahma in chronological order(i.e) Aakash mahabuta has its origin from Bhahma itself. As Brahma is the most subtle element and pervasive everywhere, so is the Aakash mahabhuta. But it is a bit less subtle and pervasive than Brahma. In the same way Vayu mahabhuta has its origin from Aakash mahabhuta and it is less subtle and pervasive than Aakash mahabhuta. Agni mahabuta has its origin from Vayu mahabhuta. So it is grosser than Vayu mahabhuta. Jala mahabhutahas its origin from Agni mahabhuta. Hence it is grosser than Agni mahabhuta. Prithvi mahabhuta has its origin from jala mahabhuta and it is grosser than jala mahabhuta.

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